Quad Series

My buggy pulls to one side

Ensure your wheels are on the correct side and are locked into the drive position. If this is correct, your front wheel may need adjusting. 

Navigator Quad Models:
There are 2 ways to fix the buggy pulling to one side, depending on the model of Navigator Quad you own. To find out what model you own, find your serial number. Once you have found your serial number, follow one of the two steps below, whichever applies to your model.

Serial Number starting with "AQNV"
If your buggy is pulling to one side, you can adjust this by following the steps in the attached PDF or watching the tutorial video.
Please refer to the attached PDF for more information
Watch the tutorial video

Serial Number starting with "ANQV"
If your buggy is pulling to one side, you can adjust this by following the steps in the attached PDF or watching the tutorial video.
Please refer to the attached PDF for more information
Watch the tutorial video