MGI 记分卡夹配有防风雨的夹子,以及铅笔夹、球夹、球座夹和平坦的书写表面,可在方便的位置轻松记分。
确保为您的越野车选择正确的记分卡夹。- To locate the store nearest to you, click here
- To find our international distributors of MGI, click here

Ai Series:
1. Remove the score card holder and the screw from packaging
2. On the accessory station of your buggy, unscrew the accessory station cover on the right hand side.
3. Place the toggle somewhere safe
4. Replace the toggle with the scorecard holder. Ensuring the teeth on the score card holder connects with the accessory station.
5. Whilst holding the Score Card Holder in place insert the screw and tighten.
Ai Mounting Position: RIGHT
Zip Series:
1. Remove the score card holder and the screw from packaging
2. On the accessory station of your buggy, unscrew the accessory station cover on the right hand side.
3. Place the toggle somewhere safe
4. Replace the toggle with the scorecard holder. Ensuring the teeth on the score card holder connects with the accessory station.
5. Whilst holding the Score Card Holder in place insert the screw and tighten.